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Service hotline: +86-760-22635888 22635168
Fax: +86-760-22635999

Quality Service


Quality system: full implementation of "ISO9001-2008 quality management system, and the German company TUV Rheinland ISO9001-2008 international quality management system certification, products undergo rigorous testing in accordance with the requirements of UL and CCC standards Each factoryinspection. 
Quality policy: market demand-oriented, for the purpose of customer satisfaction, for the pursuit of innovation. 
Quality objectives: finished a pass rate of 98% or more, the batch inspection pass rate of 99.5%, less than 1.8% of the rate of customer complaints, on-time delivery rate of 100%. 
Quality management: in the process of enterprise development in the area of quality management continue to explore, improve, and efforts to improve the quality of our product management level; full sense of quality extends from product-ting work, efficiency, style, service and gradually fostered "market demand-oriented, for the purpose of customer satisfaction, innovation for the pursuit of "quality culture. .

The quality is not the best, only better, user satisfaction is only the starting point, not the end. We will always take customer satisfaction as the center, and continue to strengthen the quality of management efforts to catch up with the advanced level of the same industry at home and abroad, and striving for the Chinese people's own international brands.


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